Friday, June 17, 2011

AVATAR Spoiler

Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is a Marine who was paralyzed in battle. His twin brother, Tommy, had been training for three years to control an Avatar on Pandora, a planet that humans have invaded in hopes of getting Unobtainium, a precious metal. Jake is recruited when his brother dies to take over his Avatar, a hybrid of the DNA of a human and a Na'vi, one of Pandora's indigenous people. He is transported to Pandora via a cryo-chamber, and disembarks using an oxygen mask since humans cannot breathe the air on Pandora.

When Jake arrives at Pandora, he meets Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) and a fellow Avatar driver named Norm Spellman (Joel Moore). Grace is pissed that Jake is there, saying that she needs Tommy, who had trained for this. However, she puts Jake in his "link," which puts his brain in control of the Avatar. Once he awakens in his Avatar body, he immediately disobeys the orders of the doctors, who want him to ease into things. He runs out of the facility, joyful that he has the use of his legs.

Grace meets with Parker Selfridge (Giovanni Ribisi), who seems to be the mastermind behind the invasion. The military leader is Colonel Quaritch (Stephen Lang). Grace is upset that Parker keeps trying to nose his way into the Avatar program, which is her department.

Jake, Norm, and Grace take their Avatars over the wall of the facility in a helicopter flown by Trudy Chacon (Michelle Rodriguez). She drops them off for their canvassing mission, and Jake wanders away from the group. Here, he runs into a dinosaur-like creature who nearly attacks him. Grace tells him not to shoot it, as the creature's skin is too thick for bullets. However, a different creature (I forget the names of these, it looks like a panther) arrives and starts to attack Jake. Grace screams at Jake to run, which he does. He only escapes by jumping off a cliff into a huge waterfall. However, now he is separated from the group.

Grace, Norm, and Trudy fly over until nightfall trying to find him, but have to follow orders not to be out at night. Grace fears Jake will not survive the night alone on Pandora.

Jake is wandering around the forest at night, where a ton of different creatures are wandering around. We see Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a Na'vi, perched on a branch above him. She is about to shoot him with an arrow when a little sea-anemone looking thing lands on her arrow. This seems to be a sign to her, and she does not shoot.

Later, Jake finds himself in the middle of a pack of the panther-like creatures that attacked him before. Eventually he tries to fight them off, and is about to lose when Neytiri runs over and starts killing the creatures with her bow and arrow. Jake thanks her profusely, but she is very upset about having to take the life of these innocent creatures. Jake follows her through the forest, asking her to teach him how to defend himself. She is going to refuse, but suddenly those anemone creatures are all around them again. Thousands of them perch on Jake's body, and Neytiri looks stunned. She takes him to a clearing, where a bunch of Na'vi ride up on Pandora's version of horses. They want to kill Jake, since they know he is one of the "sky people," a human in an Avatar's body. However, Neytiri says he was chosen by Eywa, their deity. They agree to bring him back to their Home Tree, where the final decision will be made by the leaders.

At Home Tree, Jake meets Neytiri's parents, Moat and Eytukan, who are the leaders of this clan of Na'vi. They are angry at Neytiri for bringing Jake, who repeats that there was a sign from Eywa. Jake says all he wants to do is learn, and they agree to let him stay on the condition that Neytiri teaches him everything. She complains about this responsibility but her parents' word is final. They all go to sleep, and Jake wakes up in his human form, back at the base. Grace and Norm are relieved that his Avatar is safe, and grill him for details. They are impressed that he survived the attack of the creatures and has somehow gotten in with the Na'vi. They want him to use this position to try to find a diplomatic solution. However, Colonel Quaritch also meets with Jake and tells him to use this position to find out their weaknesses, so the military can now how they can best beat the Na'vi. He says that if Jake does this, he will see to it that Jake gets an expensive surgery to regain use of his legs.

There is a montage of Neytiri teaching Jake different things, including the language of the Na'vi and how to ride the horses. The braids that the Na'vi wear intertwine with the reins of the horses, so they are linked through their minds. Jake keeps falling off his horse, and Neytiri makes him try again and again. Jake is getting more involved with the clan, and convinces them to let Grace's Avatar visit, which she does. Neytiri is also trying to teach him how to make a clean kill. Once he finally does, while saying a prayer over the corpse, she says he is ready. She takes him to the lair of her Banshee, a pterodactyl-like bird that she can also ride using the connection of her braid to his. Neytiri says that unlike the horses, each Na'vi rides only one Banshee for life, and Jake has to find his.

The two of them, along with some other Na'vi, climb up a huge structure in the sky to get to where the Banshees live. Neytiri tells Jake that he will know what Banshee is meant for him, since all the others will fly away in fear, but his will try to kill him. Jake finds a Banshee that stands up to him, and tackles the Banshee to try and make the first connection. Jake is nearly killed but finally makes the connection and takes his first ride. He says in voiceover that horses are not for him, but he was made to fly. Neytiri joins him on her own Banshee, and they exchange many loving looks.

Suddenly, they are attacked by the Leonopteryx, a huge dragon-like creature that is easily five times as big as a Banshee. They fly down to the ground and somehow shake off the Leonopteryx.

Every time that Jake's Avatar goes to sleep, he wakes up in his human form. When he is human, he makes video logs talking about what he has done on Pandora. One set of logs he keeps for Grace, and another he sends to Colonel Quaritch. He doesn't send one to Quaritch for a while, so the Colonel is getting suspicious that Jake's head isn't in the game. Jake says he just needs more time before they attack; he wants to find some sort of a diplomatic solution.

Back on Pandora, Neytiri takes Jake to a sacred area, where the Na'vi can make connections to Eywa, and can hear the memories of their ancestors. Neytiri says that by bringing Jake there, she has solidified his position in the clan and he will officially be made one of them. She says he can choose a woman, and makes suggestions as to who he might pick. He says he's already made his decision, but this woman has to choose him in return. Neytiri says she has, and they make love. Neytiri says that doing so in the presence of Eywa has mated them for life. They go to sleep.

Neytiri wakes up the next morning to the sound of a bulldozer coming through the trees. The humans have come in to take down the trees of Eywa. Neytiri is screaming with anguish and trying to get them to stop. Jake is still asleep, and is not in his link back at the base. Grace forces him to eat before linking again. He finally links at just the right time, before they are run over by the bulldozer. He waves his arms frantically to try to get the bulldozer to stop, which it does for a split second before starting again. Colonel Quaritch is controlling the bulldozer. Jake jumps on the machine and breaks the cameras so they cannot control it anymore. Colonel Quaritch looks at the video and realizes that this is Jake; he realizes Jake has switched sides.

Back at Home Tree, everyone is distraught that Eywa's valley has been destroyed by the humans. Grace is there as well, in Avatar form. The Na'vi are angry with them for bringing the sky people there, although they say they had nothing to do with it. Suddenly, Teu'tey, a Na'vi that has never really warmed to Jake, realizes that Neytiri and Jake have mated. Grace is stunned. Back at the base, Colonel Quaritch storms into the link area and breaks Grace's and Jake's links. Grace yells at Parker, saying they need more time; Quaritch and Parker want to attack Home Tree, which sits on top of Pandora's biggest Unobtainium deposit. They agree to let Jake and Grace link up again to try and get the Na'vi out of Home Tree.

Jake and Grace go to Home Tree to try and convince them to leave, since they know Colonel Quaritch and Parker will not wait to attack. Jake admits he knew from the beginning they were planning this, and Neytiri starts to sob, saying she trusted him. He tries to tell her that everything changed, he fell in love with her and Pandora, but she screams at him to leave. Grace and Jake are tied up as the military starts to arrive. The aircraft start to attack with bombs; the Na'vi retaliate with arrows that have no effect. Moat, Neytiri's mother, unties Grace and Jake, saying if they are truly Na'vi, they need to help them. Trudy is in one of the helicopters, but leaves, saying she didn't sign up for this. Eventually, the bombs cause Home Tree to crack and collapse. Neytiri's father is killed in the battle and the military retreats. Once again, Quaritch breaks Grace and Jake's links. They are screaming that he is a murderer, and they along with Norm are placed in a prison cell.

Trudy brings the prisoners food, but pulls a gun on the guard and frees the three of them with the help of Max, a doctor in the Avatar program. As they are leaving, Jake tells Max to stay behind, as he needs someone he can trust on the inside. Trudy starts up her helicopter and is detected by Quaritch, who bursts out into the hanger and starts shooting. The four of them barely get off the ground; they are going to the Floating Mountains, where they have another link station and they cannot be tracked as they are too high up in the atmosphere. As they fly, Jake realizes that Grace has been shot and is bleeding profusely.

Once they arrive at the link station, Jake decides that he has to regain the trust of the Na'vi. He takes his Banshee and decides to try and make a connection with the Leonopteryx, who would not be expecting this. He succeeds in training the creature, and flies it to the Tree of Souls, where the Na'vi have relocated. Once they realize he has trained the beast, they are in awe of him. Neytiri says she was afraid for her people, but isn't anymore. She says "I see you," which is the highest statement of love between the Na'vi; it means they see into one another's souls. Jake returns the sentiment, but quickly says that he needs help, as Grace is dying.

Grace and her Avatar are both brought to the Na'vi, where Moat performs a ritual that would put Grace's consciousness permanently into her Avatar so she would not need to be linked, and she would survive this way. Despite all their pleas to Eywa, her injuries were too great and she dies. Jake then gives a speech that he knows the sky people are planning to attack again, and they must stand up and fight. They have to enlist all the other clans on Pandora, which they then do. Back at the base, Quaritch sees via radar that their numbers are slowly growing to over two thousand Na'vi. Max sends a video message to Jake, Grace, and Trudy that they are planning to mobilize and attack the Tree of Souls.

Jake is alone at the Tree of Souls, where he makes a plea to Eywa to help his people, the Na'vi. Neytiri comes up behind him and says despite his efforts, Eywa does not take sides; she only protects the balance of life. They embrace.

The final battle begins with ground troops coming in. They notice that something is getting closer and closer on the radar; it is the Na'vi, on their horses. In the air, the military's planes are planning to attack when they are attacked by Na'vi on Banshees - Jake and Neytiri are among these soldiers, while Norm is on the ground. The Na'vi on the ground are being decimated, as they are going up against guns with bows and arrows. Those in the air are causing some damage, but not enough. Trudy is attacking Quaritch's plane with her own helicopter but is hit and her helicopter explodes, killing her. Norm is also shot on the ground, and awakens in his link station, gasping for air. Neytiri is attacked by a plane and falls to the forest floor, but survives. Jake is trying to coordinate with his friends but gets no reply.

Neytiri is on the ground, hiding, but surrounded by humans. Jake screams at her not to attack, as she will certainly be killed. She does not listen, and prepares her bow to fight to the death, but suddenly the humans stop. They have detected something else approaching on radar. Suddenly, all the creatures from the beginning (the dinosaur and panther-looking creatures) charge the humans, who start being killed in droves. Neytiri screams with joy that Eywa listened to Jake.

Jake attacks Quaritch's plane, but Quaritch somehow escapes by getting into a huge robot-like shell that humans can control in battle. He falls to the forest floor and starts fighting with Jake man-on-man. They are right next to the link station where Jake is still linked to his Avatar. Quaritch hits the link station, which causes a small hole to form in Jake's bed. Since humans cannot breathe Pandora's air, his human body, still linked to his Avatar, starts choking. Jake, in his Avatar form, is still fighting but is pinned by Quaritch, who is about to kill him when Neytiri appears and shoots two arrows right through Quaritch's chest.

Once he is dead, she runs over to Jake, who has fallen unconscious due to the trauma his human form is going through. Back in his human form, he stumbles out of his link station but cannot reach the emergency oxygen mask due to his paralysis. He falls to the floor and stops breathing. Neytiri tries to awaken his Avatar form but can't. She then runs into the link station and puts the oxygen mask on Jake's human form. He wakes up and is able to breathe again. She cradles him in her arms and they both say "I see you."

Jake, in his human form, gives his last video log. He says the humans were sent back to Earth, and only a few (Norm and Max) were allowed to remain behind. He says that he can't be late to his own party, and signs off. At the Tree of Souls, Moat and Neytiri are performing the same ritual they tried to perform with Grace. Jake's consciousness is permanently put in his Avatar form, and he opens his eyes.


A legend is told of the Kingdom of Gongmen City, ruled by a family of peaceful peacocks, known for their elaborate and beautiful fireworks. The son of this peacock family, Lord Shen (Gary Oldman), sees the destructive capabilities of these fireworks when made into cannons, and casts a fearful shadow over the kingdom. A goat soothsayer (Michelle Yeoh) foretells that Lord Shen's tyranny will come to an end by "one of black-and-white." Shen and his army of wolves lay siege to the peaceful pandas of China, killing many and driving the rest out of the land.

In the Valley of Peace, Po (Jack Black) and the Furious Five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Crane (David Cross) are having a dumpling eating contest. Po manages to stuff forty dumplings into his mouth before gagging. He is summoned by Shifu who meditates in a relaxing pool by the sea. Po arrives and learns that Shifu has recently discovered inner peace, which has given him heightened control over his senses. Shifu catches a single droplet of water in his hand, and rolls it across his body like a marble before delicately placing it onto a small sapling. Shifu promises that Po, in time, will also achieve inner peace, too. The Furious Five arrive alerting Po and Shifu to an attack taking place in the valley.

Po and the Five fly into the valley and are shocked to find hundreds of wolves pillaging the city's metal (pots, pans, instruments, etc.) A fight ensues in which many wolves are beaten unconscious. The one-eyed Boss Wolf (Danny McBride) fights Po, and is about to lose when Po is distracted by a familiar symbol painted on the Wolf's armor. Po is instantly taken back into a memory of his while a baby. Po's Panda mother places Po down, turns, and flees. Po, with his guard down, is sucker-punched by the wolf, who along with his comrades, flee with the city's metal. The Furious Five are shocked by Po's loss of concentration and watch as he hurriedly runs away.

Po runs to his Goose father's noodle shop. Mr Ping (James Hong) is reaping the benefits of having the dragon warrior, a bona fide celebrity, for a son. Business is booming. Mr Ping reluctantly tells Po of the day they first met. Po was just a baby who happened to appear one morning in a bushel of radishes. Ping took the baby panda in, fed him, clothed him, and eventually raised him as his own son.

We return to Gongmen City where three highly-renown kung fu warriors stand guard at the city palace: Master Thundering Rhino (Victor Garbor), Master Oxen (Dennis Haysbert), and Master Croc (Jean-Claude Van Damme). The banished Lord Shen enters the palace walls and a massive kung fu fight erupts among the four of them. Shen's wolf army arrives, bringing with them a massive, draped cannon. Thundering Rhino, confident in his Kung Fu, stands up to Shen's weapon, but is easily killed by a single blast. Lord Shen and his army take over the city, and erase any remnants of the peaceful Peacock family that once ruled the city. The power of Lord Shen's weapon sends ripples across China, eventually reaching Shifu, Po, and the Furious Five. It is decided that Po and the Five will set out to Gongmen City to join it's own Kung Fu masters and defeat Shen.

The six set out for Gongmen City, but not before Mr Ping gives Po a ruck-sack overstuffed with food, photos and Po's Furious Five action figures (important.) The six cross China by foot, air, and boat. During their travels Po repeatedly attempts to find his inner peace, via Shifu's water droplet technique, but is unable to attain it. They ultimately arrive at Gongmen City, only to find it's citizens terrorized by wolves. In the city jail, they find Masters Oxen and Croc willfully sitting in jail, both saddened by the fact that Lord Shen's cannons have bested Kung Fu and that they have nothing to live for, and will neither leave the jail or help Po and the Five. The six trek across the city anyway, as stealthily as possible. A foot chase ensues between Po and the Wolf Boss, which culminates with the six arriving at the Palace walls, surrounded by hundreds of wolves. Po, Tigress, Monkey, Viper, and Crane are all placed in handcuffs while Mantis is thrown into a small cage. The Six are hauled to the top of the palace's tower where they find Lord Shen, the Soothsayer, dozens of guards, and a gigantic dragon-shaped cannon. It is revealed that Mantis has escaped, his action figure stands in the cage instead of him, and has managed to free the rest of the Kung Fu Masters. A brief fight erupts between the six, Shen, and Shen's guards, which ends with Shen's massive cannon plummeting to the bottom of the tower, and crashing into a twisted mess. Po is about to beat Shen when the same symbol from before distracts Po. Shen flees the tower, flying to a neighboring building in the distance where dozens of similar cannons are revealed, all pointing at the tower. Shen orders his wolf soldiers to fire at the tower. Po and the Furious Five first attempt to flee the burning tower by descending it's staircases, but find their path blocked by archers. Instead, they head up the tower, which has now begun to sway on an uneven base, and ride the tower down as it crashes onto the city walls. The six, all safe, hide in the Gongmen City Jail.

Tigress, angry at Po for his inability to concentrate, orders him to stay in jail with Croc and Oxen while the Five look for another way to take out Shen. The Five track Shen to his foundry, and upon locating a few dozen barrels of gunpowder, intend to blow-up Shen, his army and his foundry. They're completely unaware that Po has broken out of jail and is also making his way to the foundry to confront Shen. The Furious Five fight Shen's wolves while Po and Shen battle one-on-one. Po forces Shen into a corner, ready to deliver the final blow, but is surprised to find himself staring down the barrel of one of Shen's cannons. Shen lights the fuse, shooting Po point-blank in the stomach. Po soars out of the foundry's window, landing miles away in a river.

Po awakens and finds his arm bandaged and acupuncture needles stuck into various points on his body. The Soothsayer goat rescued him from the river and has helped his recuperation. She tells him how the land they're on once belonged to Pandas before Lord Shen's purge, and how she feels responsible because it was her vision that influenced Shen's actions. Po surveys the land, and little-by-little he pieces together his past. He walks beneath a dribbling stream of water, catches a single droplet, rolls it over his body like a marble and drops it into a sapling nearby. Now fulfilled with inner peace Po sees his entire childhood pass before his eyes. Po's Panda father bursts into their home, and implores that his mother and Po flee before the wolves arrive. Po's mother, with baby Po in her arms, silently descends a small hill, and places Po into a radish basket, climbs the hill, waves her own arms and leads Shen and his men away from Po, and she is presumably killed. Bolstered by this knowledge Po gathers the courage to return to Gongmen City and save the Furious Five and defeat Shen.

Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Mantis and Viper are chained to the bow of a ship. Lord Shen's fleet of ships slowly makes it's way through the city's main narrow canal. A gigantic cannon is perched upon the deck of each ship. Po appears atop the roof of a building, from which he dares Shen to fight him. Po clumsily descends to the boats where he accidentally manages to cross the cannons of neighboring boats, which fire upon one another. Amidst the chaos, Po frees the Furious Five and tells them that the plan is to keep Shen from reaching open water. Shifu suddenly arrives, with Croc and Oxen in tow. The nine Masters discover that the only way to slow Shen down is to block the passage ahead. Piling boat upon boat, they soon create a log-jam preventing Shen from moving forward. Shen, angrily orders the boss Wolf to fire upon the pile of debris, and the wolves trapped within it. The Boss Wolf refuses and is killed by Shen. Shen lights the cannon, fires at the wreckage, and clears his path ahead.

Lord Shen pushes his remaining boats into the harbor. Po and the Furious Five, alive but weak, cling to floating wreckage ahead of Shen's boat. Po swims away from Tigress, and balances on a floating piece of wreckage bobbing in the water directly ahead of Shen's ship. Po remembers all that he has learned of inner-peace: catching the water droplet and carefully controlling it. Shen fires upon Po. Po miraculously catches the cannon ball, like the droplet, spins it in his hands, and tosses it aside. Shen orders all of his ships to fire on Po, who easily catches the incoming cannon balls, and diverts them away from him, and back to the ships. He destroys them one-by-one, until only Shen's ship remains. Shen fires the final cannon-ball which Po catches, twists around and fires directly back at the cannon's barrel, destroying the cannon from within. Po jumps up onto the barely floating remnants of Shen's ship. Shen asks how Po attained inner peace after knowing what Shen did to his family. Po responds that he has scars but that they will fade in time. A brief scuffle erupts between Po and Shen, which culminates with Shen dropping his own cannon onto himself, killing him, and fulfilling the Soothsayer's prophecy.

Po returns home to the Valley of Peace where he speaks to his father, Mr Ping, about his journey, and accepts that Mr Ping, while not a Panda, is his father. Po offers to help his dad in the kitchen. The camera pulls out from the Valley of Peace, zooming across mountains, valleys, lakes, and eventually comes to a stop at a distant, unknown rice patty where dozens of pandas work. An older, male panda turns to the camera, and sensing a change in the air says "My son is alive."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

RANGO Spoiler

The movie starts with a shot of a chameleon (Johnny Depp) in a desert landscape acting the part of a hero, as he addresses other "people". We see him talking to a headless doll, dead cockroach and plastic palm tree and you realize he is acting. Shot pans out, and we see he is in an aquarium, obviously lonely with only the inanimate objects in his cage to talk to. He starts thinking about who he is, and how his life needs a change, and the movie pans out even wider and we see that his aquarium is in the back of a family van out in the desert traveling down the road. The car swerves to miss something in the road and the aquarium goes flying out the back, crashing onto the road leaving the chameleon out alone in the very hot desert.

As he is standing by the road, he hears a voice. He goes to investigate and sees an armadillo (Alfred Molina) that has obviously been run over by a car. He tries to help the armadillo get back on his feet, but he can't, the armadillo tells him that he was trying to cross the road and that he will see him later on. The chameleon continues walking down the road when he meets up with the armadillo once again - the armadillo tells him there is a town in the desert, just to follow his shadow. He doesn't quite believe him but seeing no other options heads off into the desert. Meanwhile, there is a Mariachi band made up of owls who act as narrators that introduce us to the main character and tell us that he's going to die. As he is walking in the desert a voice tells him to blend in, and we see a frog that is so well camouflaged you can't tell him from the sand. A hawk appears overhead and chases the lizard. He finds a bottle and climbs inside, but the hawk breaks the bottle and he ends up rolling through the desert. Finally, the hawk grabs the frog and flies off.

He wanders for awhile then ends up falling asleep in a drainage ditch. He begins dreaming about riding the plastic fish from his aquarium then wakes as water washes him out of the spout and back on to the sand. As he runs around trying to drink some of the water it evaporates in the extreme heat leaving him with nothing. While he is scrambling in the sand a lizard appears, riding a wagon, she asks him who he is and what he's doing in the desert. She introduces herself as Beans (Isla Fisher) and he ends up hitching a ride into the town of Dirt. She drops him off within sight of the town then continues on without him. He walks into town and is accosted by some local children, telling him that he is a stranger and that strangers don't last long in Dirt. He goes in to the local saloon, and everyone goes quiet as he enters. He asks for some water and they all laugh at him. They start asking him who he is, and he realizes that since no one knows him, he can be whoever he wants. He pretends to be a tough gun fighter named Rango and tells them stories about where he's from and how he killed 7 local brothers with one bullet. They are all impressed by him, and he is obviously really getting in to the part. The local bullies come in, and he ends up inadvertently offending them. He is then challenged to a gun fight, since everyone thinks he's a great hero he really can't say no and tries to talk his way out of is. While standing out in the street preparing to get shot, the hawk appears and frightens everyone away. Rango doesn't see it, and things they are afraid of him and everyone is impressed that he's not afraid of the bird, it then chases him around the town, and he ends up accidently killing it with one shot further impressing everyone in town. The mayor makes him sheriff and tells him the town needs something to hope for.

Meanwhile, we see Beans going to the bank, where the currency is water, and asking for a loan so she can keep her recently deceased father's farm. The banker confides in her that the bank is almost out of water and that he can't giver her a loan. As Rango is getting outfitted to be the new sheriff, the town clock strikes noon and everyone in town comes out to the main street and performs some kind of ceremony. They all end up at a large spigot which the Mayor has turned, once it's turned on only a tiny bit of mud comes out. All of the towns people are upset, as this is their only source of water. While all this is going on, Beans lets slip that the bank is almost out of water which starts a riot at the bank. Rango goes to the bank and tells the towns people that he will solve the water problem and not to worry, to trust him. They do, and they all go about their business.

That evening, while Rango is sauntering through town, some moles dig up through the main street, they are obviously looking to rob the bank and got lost. Not realizing this Rango, thinking they are miners, give them more digging equipment, a license to mine and points them towards the bank. They thank him, cut to the next morning when everyone finds out the banks been robbed, the water is gone. They round up a posse to find the thieves. They follow the tunnel underground and find a pipe, the pipe ends up leading them out to the desert and they find the mole and his boys. The posse decides they can take the robbers with their greater numbers and confront them. The mole laughs as about 30-40 other moles pop up out of the ground, pushing the odds in their favor. Rango and the posse jump on to the wagon carrying the water bottle and start to drive away, the moles then attack them, riding on bats and after a long chase, the water bottle ends up falling off the wagon and everyone sees its empty. The moles then confess that it was empty when they got it, meaning the bank had already been robbed.

Rango tries to decide who could have robbed the bank and remembers something the mayor had told him when he made him sheriff, "Whoever controls the water, controls everything". Back in town, the mayor realizes the Rango suspects him and brings in a hired gun fighter, Jake the rattle snake, Jake confronts Rango in front of everyone and exposes him as a fraud. He leaves wandering back into the desert and dropping his sheriff badge. He feels like he let everyone down, especially Beans who he had really grown to care for. Once he reaches the road, he walks across, mindless of the cars and trucks going all around him, and he reaches the other side. Once he is on the other side we can see he has just given up and lets himself fall down the ledge. Some pill bugs collect the now unconscious Rango and carry him away. He wakes up in a bright dream like desert where he sees the legendary figure referred to as the "Spirit of the West" an old cowboy (Timothy Olyphant). Rango realizes that he can be the hero he was pretending to be, and the armadillo from the movie shows up shows him that just over the next dune is Las Vegas. He sees the city, the vegetation and the water and realizes that he needs to stop the Mayor and save the town. He sees a pipe leading into Las Vegas and realizes that its connected to the pipe from town and sees that someone has turned the shutoff valve that leads to the town of Dirt. Forming a plan he heads back to Dirt where Beans is about to sell her fathers farm to the Mayor, the Mayor has bought all of the farm lands for next to nothing because there was no more water making them useless, no one knows that he has turned off the water for that very purpose. Now that Rango is out of the way, the mayor turns on Jake and is going to kill him.

Rango goes back and calls Jake out. Jake comes out to confront Rango in the street and ends up right over the boarded up hole that was dug by the mole bank robbers. Rango has the water from the pipe turned back on, and the water comes bursting up out of the hole, throwing Jake up into the air. The whole town explodes as water comes up all over, and the townspeople are all overjoyed. Their town is saved. The mayor ends up out in the street and is taken away by Jake in revenge for his almost killing him.

Rango becomes the true hero he was pretending to be, and finally knows who he is.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


A pair of fishermen on their boat of the coast of Spain pull an old man out of the ocean who became entangled in their fishing net. He gasps “Ponce de Leon” and the men quickly sail to shore and bring him to the Spanish monarch. The young monarch learns of the Fountain of Youth and demands that his men set sail at once to find the ship.

In England, a pair of guards escort a masked prisoner into a loud courtroom which is holding the trail of Captain Jack Sparrow. The prisoner is brought in and mask is removed to reveal that the prisoner is none other than Joshamee Gibbs (Kevin McNally), Sparrow’s first mate. He tries to convince the people he’s not Jack Sparrow, but the crowd demands blood and calls for a hanging. The court allows the judge to enter the proceedings and Gibbs is surprised to see that it’s Jack dressed like the judge. Jack commutes Gibb’s sentence to life in prison, bribes the carriage driver and gets into the prisoner carriage with Gibbs.

Jack explains that he returned to London as soon as he heard about Gibbs’ capture. Gibbs tells Jack that someone claiming to be Jack Sparrow is looking for people to join his crew and that he was mistakenly captured when he arrived at the bar. Jack is confused and tells Gibbs that he isn’t looking for a crew. He shows Gibbs the map to the Fountain and tells him that he hit a bit of a snag trying to locate it. As the two finish talking the carriage stops and the door opens to reveal several soldiers pointing their guns at the pair.

Jack is escorted to the chambers of King George. The King does not want the Spanish monarchs, a “bunch of Catholics” to have control over the Fountain of Youth and wants Jack to guide a ship to the Fountain. The king’s privateer peg legged privateer captain enters the room and is none other than Hector Barbossa. Jack is furious to learn that Barbossa “lost” the Black Pearl at sea with his leg and angrily insists that Barbossa should join it. The King asks Jack if he has the map and Jack realizes that Gibbs took it while they were in the carriage. He organizes a complex escape from the room and the building. The guards pursue him through London by carriage until Jack final gives most of them the slip by jumping off of his carriage. He turns around to find a guard pointing a gun at him but the guard is quickly shot by Captain Teague (Keith Richards), Jack’s father.

Teague takes Jack to the bar where the imposter Jack is organizing a crew. Teague asks Jack if he knows anything about the ritual of the Fountain and warns Jack of the tests that will lie in his path. He points out the men who have joined the crew and have a ship and disappears, leaving Jack to his own devices.

Jack confronts the men who in turn believe Jack to be an imposter. He sees the imposter by an adjacent door and follows him. The two duel for a bit before Jack recognizes the fighting style of the imposter, and going straight for a kiss. He pulls the fake beard off of his opponents face and asks Angelika (Penelope Cruz) what she thinks she’s doing. Angelika explains that she’s after the Fountain and needs a crew to get it. She asks Jack if he still has the map and he tells her that he memorized it. Jack apologizes for ruining her life by preventing her from taking her vows and says that he honestly mistook her convent for a brothel, a mistake anyone could have made. Before they can go at it again, British soldiers arrive hunting for Jack. Jack and Angelika fight them all and eventually dive down a cellar which leads out into the Thames. They climb out and get back to shore but Jack is knocked out by a tainted dart while asking Angelika about the ritual of Fountain.

When Jack comes to he finds himself aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, the ship of the feared pirate Edward Teach popularly referred to by his nickname, Blackbeard. Jack is furious to have been conscripted into helping Blackbeard, a ruthless killer. Angelika explains that Blackbeard believes her to be his daughter and that she is desperate to find the Fountain and that Jack will be their compass. Jack sees a man strapped to the top of the mast and is told by a fellow crewman that the man is part of the clergy, allowed to live only by Blackbeard’s grace.

That night, Jack organizes a mutiny against Blackbeard by convincing the crew that, since they haven’t seen Blackbeard, Blackbeard is not really on the ship or even captaining it. The men rise up and Jack frees the missionary, a young man named Phillip, from the mast. The commotion awakens Blackbeard (Ian McShane) who uses his sword to bring his ship to life, using the ropes on the sails to capture the mutineers. He makes an example out of a young man by throwing him off the ship in a lifeboat and using the ship’s flamethrower to ignite the little boat, a warning to the crew that anyone who stands against him will be killed.

Back in England, Gibbs is brought before Barbossa to be hung. Barbossa tells Gibbs to give him the map he stole from Jack. Gibbs takes out the map and throws it into a nearby fire pit, telling Barbossa that the only way Barbossa will find the Fountain of Youth is if Barbossa agrees to keep Gibbs alive and use him as the ship’s navigator. Barbossa begrudgingly agrees and welcomes Gibbs back into the Royal Navy.

On Blackbeard’s ship, Jack tries to convince him that Angelika is lying about being Blackbeard’s daughter but Blackbeard confirms that she is actually his child. Blackbeard tells Jack about a prophecy which foretold Blackbeard’s death at the hands of a one legged man. Jack is tortured for a bit using a voodoo doll but Blackbeard relents when Angelika intercedes on Jack’s behalf. She tells him in private that the ritual to use the Fountain involves a mermaid’s tear and two silver chalices from the ship of Ponce de Leon, which contain the key to finding the Fountain. She explains that the Fountain takes life from one drinker and gives it to the one who drinks from the cup with the mermaid tear. Angelika takes him into Blackbeard’s treasure room and shows Jack that Blackbeard captures enemy ships and places them in magic bottles. She shows him what became of his beloved ship, the Black Pearl.

The Queen Anne’s Revenge pulls into White Foam Cove and the crew is put into lifeboats to begin hunting for mermaids. Blackbeard lands on shore with Jack and Angelika and they ignite a lighthouse in order to attract the mermaids with the light. Phillip is out at sea on the lifeboat when the mermaids start to arrive and enchant the sailors. A mermaid drags one of the sailors under and soon all of the mermaids are attacking the boats. Blackbeard uses the Queen Anne’s Revenge to begin driving the mermaids to shore and Phillip uses the distraction to dive into the water and desperately begin swimming to shore.

Meanwhile, the mermaids have begun using their hair to drag people on shore in to the water to kill them. Angelika is grabbed by the leg but Jack jumps over her and cuts the hair with his sword. Realizing that Blackbeard’s plan will get them all killed, he races to the lighthouse and damages the support beams enough to cause it to implode. He dives into the water just as debris falls all around him. Phillip reaches the shore around this time and is about to be crushed by falling debris when he is knocked aside by a mermaid. The mermaid’s tail gets crushed, pinning her to the ground. Phillip releases it, but when she tries to escape he stabs her in the fin in time for Blackbeard to come and capture her.

The mermaid is placed in a glass coffin and the men journey into the heart of the island looking for the lost ship of Ponce de Leon. Phillip sees that the mermaid is suffocating because she can’t get any air in the sealed coffin. He resists Blackbeard’s orders and pries the coffin open with his sword, wedging his bible in enough to keep the coffin from closing. His concern for her touches the young mermaid, who is unsure what to make of Phillip.

The group reaches a giant gap in the land which means that someone has to go on ahead without the others and find the ship. Blackbeard tells Jack that if Jack doesn’t go, Blackbeard will kill Angelika. Jack laughs at the idea but Blackbeard tells his men to bring 6 pistols, two of which have bullets. Jack takes one and fires it at Angelika but its empty. Blackbeard makes Jack choose again and Jack takes one, sure that it isn’t loaded and fires it into the sky, blowing off a branch off a tree. Jack is mortified and Angelika is slightly disturbed but Jack agrees to go on alone. He asks Blackbeard’s Voodoo servant if he will survive the jump. The Voodoo Priest tosses and effigy of Jack off the cliff and says “Now you will survive.” Jack dives in and goes it alone.

Barbossa and his men arrive at the shore in lifeboats and see the remnants of the mermaids who were killed on shore. Their main ship is soon overrun by mermaids and Barbossa tells the remaining men that they are going on, ignoring the screams of the men being ripped apart on the ship.

Phillip and Blackbeard’s men get into an argument and Blackbeard’s men drop the mermaid’s coffin. They are surprised to see that upon touching land, the mermaid’s tail dissolves and she is left with normal legs. Phillip takes off his shirt and covers her with it, then carries her. He names her Syrena so that the group will have a name for her. Blackbeard takes Syrena to a special pool, where mermaids are tortured and left for dead. He demands that she cry but she does not shed a tear. Realizing that Syrena probably has feelings for Phillip, Blackbeard has his men stab him in front of her and toss his body in the woods. Phillip comes to hours later and removes a knock out dart from his neck, groggily stumbling back to the pit. He tries to free Syrena, who begins crying tears of joy, but Blackbeard appears and knocks Phillip out, bottling the tear. He has his men drag Phillip away and leaves Syrena to die.

Jack arrives at the ship of Ponce de Leon, which is delicately balanced on the point of a mountain. The slightest shift in weight will send the ship hurtling to the bottom of a crevice and kill whoever is inside. Jack tries to find the silver cups but is surprised by Barbossa, who was lying in wait. Barbossa explains that the Black Pearl came alive because of Blackbeard’s sword and that he was forced to cut his own leg off to escape the ship. Jack is surprised but agrees to help Barbossa kill Blackbeard. They find the chalice box but see that it is empty – The Spaniards have beaten them to it. Using the map of Ponce de Leon, they deduce the only area for the Spaniards to make camp and head out.

The duo steals the cups and Jack realizes that Barbossa’s sword has a distinct smell to it. Barbossa calmly explains that he has been killing poisonous frogs with his sword and plans to use the toxin to kill Blackbeard. They fail to retrieve the cup and are instead captured and tied to posts. Jack escapes and leads the Spaniards on a chase while Gibbs and Barbossa’s men rescue Barbossa and steal the cups. Jack tells Barbossa how to follow them to the Fountain and they part ways, Gibbs joining Jack for the final leg of the journey.

Jack and Gibbs find Blackbeard’s group and they look for the location of the Fountain: The cave where water falls up. Jack finds it and leads the men through, knocking the cups together. Blackbeard grows impatient and threatens to shoot Jack but Jack realizes that the inscription on the cup is the password to the pool. He says the magic words and a pool forms on the ceiling of the cavern. Jack jumps up and climbs through and looks around the Fountain room. Blackbeard and his men follow but are soon ambushed by Barbossa’s men and a full scale battle erupts. Phillip uses the distraction to cut his bonds and escape, but gets stabbed in the stomach on his way out of the Fountain.

Jack and Angelika fight over the chalices and tear because Jack doesn’t want her to give it to Blackbeard. Meanwhile, Blackbeard gets the upper hand on Barbossa and is about to kill him when the Spaniards arrive and begin destroying the Fountain, not wanting a pagan monument standing the way of God. They throw the chalices into the pool and Barbossa takes the opportunity to stab Blackbeard in the back with the poisoned sword. Angelika freaks out and pulls the blade out, cutting her hand in the process. Barbossa takes Blackbeard’s sword as payment for his leg and tells Blackbeard’s men that they are now his.

Phillip arrives at the pit where Syrena has been chained and he begs God to save her life, even at the cost of his own. He cuts her bonds and she immediately swims away, heading straight for the pool room.

Jack realizes that Angelika only has moments to live. He desperately seeks the chalices in the water but they are out of reach. Syrena arrives carrying the chalices and tells him not to waste her tear before she leaves. Jack grabs the chalices and puts water from the Fountain into them and places the tear in one of the cups. He goes to Blackbeard and tells him that he needs to save Angelika’s life as a good father would. Blackbeard takes the wrong cup, determined to survive and drinks. Angelika is both disappointed and happy but Jack interrupts Blackbeard’s celebration by pointing out that he gave Blackbeard the wrong cup. The pool surrounds Blackbeard and rips him apart, transferring his life to Angelika’s.

Phillip lies dying by the pool and Syrena returns to him. She tells him that she can save him but Phillip only wants her forgiveness. They kiss and Syrena drags Phillip to the bottom of the sea.

Angelika is pissed with Jack for killing her father but Jack is unrepentant. He ties her up and brings her to the same island he was marooned on years before and he tosses her a pistol with a single shot. She fires it at him and misses as Jack prepares to leave her. He suggests that he loves her before rowing away.

Barbossa takes the Queen Anne’s Revenge and sails off with his new crew. Gibbs, on the shore of the island, awaits Jack’s return. The two meet and Gibbs hands Jack a big: Gibbs went to the Queen Anne’s Revenge stole Blackbeard’s collection of ships trapped in bottles: Jack is now free to have the Black Pearl and a fleet of pirate ships at his disposal.

Angleika is seen sitting on the island near shore. Suddenly she looks up seeing something in the water. As she walks down to the water we see Jack's voo-doo doll wash up on shore, Angelika picks up the doll and smiles

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

Louis Roulet (Ryan Phillipe) did beat up hooker Reggie Campo (Margarita Levieva) and did murder the other prostitute. Mick Haller (Matthew McConaughey) gets Gloria (Katherine Moennig) to convince Corliss (Shea Whigham) to lie on the witness stand in order to discredit the prosecution in Reggie's attempted murder case. The prosecuting attorney (Josh Lucas) is forced to drop the charges against Roulet, much to the delight of his mother Mary Windsor (Frances Fisher).
During the cross-examination of Reggie, Mick gets her to admit that Roulet knew the murdered prostitute. Before being mysteriously shot to death, Haller's friend Frank Levin (William H. Macy) discovered that Roulet had received a parking ticket outside the murdered prostitute's apartment on the night of the murder. Mick had gotten Jesus Martinez (Michael Pena) to plead guilty to that murder to avoid the death penalty, but Mick now realizes that Jesus is innocent. Based on this evidence and testimony, Roulet is arrested for that murder.
Levin was shot with Mick's gun, which Roulet stole from Mick's house. After Roulet is released on bond, he confronts Mick and threatens to murder Mick and his family. However, the motorcycle gang that Jesus belongs to arrives on the scene and beats Roulet to a pulp.
Mick returns home (he is divorced from his wife and lives alone) where Mary is waiting for him. She has Mick's gun and before shooting Mick, she admits to killing Frank. Mick draws a gun his chauffeur acquired for him and kills Mary.
Jesus is released and we see Mick recovering from his gunshot wound in the back seat of his Lincoln Continental doing business as usual with the motorcycle gang.

Limitless (2011)

Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is a failing writer and his girlfriend, Lindy (Abbie Cornish) is about to leave him.  Eddie runs into his ex-wife's brother, Vernon (Johnny Whitworth) who gives him a pill with the street name of NZT.  It allows the user to unlock their brain to their full potential.  Vernon gets killed while Eddie is visiting to tryand get more of the drug.  While Eddie is waiting for the cops to show up he finds Vernon's stash of pills and money.
Eddie has an idea to use the drug to get himself a nest egg.  He connects with a Russian mobster, Gennady (Andrew Howard) to get a large amount of cash he can invest in the stock market to make money.  Eddie starts to get a name for himself in the financial market business.  He also gets back together with Lindy.
Carl Van Loon (Robert De Niro), the head of the company Eddie is working out of, starts to use Eddie's knowledge for his own upcoming business merger.  The merger falls through as the other company head was on NZT but ran out and slipped into a coma.  Eddie finds out from Vernon's black book that other users have died or became hospitalized.  Eddie learns from his ex-wife Melissa (Anna Friel) that you can't just stop otherwise you die.  Eddie learns through trial and error that you have to remember to eat and sleep otherwise you get blackouts and dizzy spells.
The beginning of the movie shows Eddie on the ledge of his fortress suite while Gennady, who is now on injected NZT, is breaking in.  This is also close to the end of the story.  Eddie decides to fight and gets the better of the Russians along with a small hit of NZT (by drinking Gennady's blood) to keep him going.
The end starts 12 months later when Eddie is running for Mayor or Senator of New York.  Carl is now part of the pharmaceutical company that created NZT.  He is offering Eddie a deal to keep him supplied in exchange for favours down the road.  Eddie calls Carl's bluff and states that he was able to tweak the drug and is no longer using but his brain is still high functioning.  Carl leaves with a warning that he has made an enemy.  Eddie goes to lunch and meets up with Lindy.
It's assumed life continues with a high functioning Eddie who may run for President.

Hanna (2011)

Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) is the last surviving child of a genetic super soldier project sanctioned then terminated by Marissa (Cate Blanchett), a high ranking CIA agent. Erik Heller (Eric Bana) was the CIA operative that recruited Hanna's mother Johanna then attempted to protect them both when Marissa killed all the test subjects. However, Marissa caught up to them and murdered Johanna. Erik is not her biological father, but took Hanna in regardless as his own.
Hanna learns the truth about her past, just as Issacs (Tom Hollander) finds them both. Erik tells Hanna to run and proves his devotion and love for Hanna by sacrificing himself in order to kill Issacs; Erik is gunned down by Marissa soon after.
Marissa confronts Hanna with an pretense of friendliness but Hanna says she's done being a killer. Marissa tries to kill her, but Hanna wounds her with an arrow in the process. They fight some more, culminating with Hanna executing Marissa.

The Green Hornet (2011)

When Britt Reid's (Seth Rogen's) wealthy, newspaper-owning father dies, Reid inherits both the paper and the fortuneHe begins a friendship with his father's mechanic Kato (Jay Chou) who is a genius and a martial artist. They both discover that they hated Britt's father because he was stern and demanding of both of them. They decide to cut off the head  of the statute of Britt's father that was erected by the city. While engaged in this act of vandalism, the two end up rescuing a couple from a group of violent muggers. When the cops arrive, they believe Britt and Kato were the muggers, and engage the pair in a high-speed chase. Britt and Kato eventually escape after destroying the pursuing police cars and decide that they will become vigilantes (The Green Hornet and The Man in Black respectively). They decide that the best way to end crime is by overthrowing the mafia-boss, Chudnofsky (Christopher Waltz), and running the criminal underworld themselves. This leads them to declare war on both criminals and the police.

In order to draw Chudnofsky out into the open, they begin publicizing the exploits of the Green Hornet and The Man in Black in Britt's newspaper. Britt and Kato hire Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz) to work as their personal secretary at the newspaper. Lenore has a degree in criminology, so they secretly use her knowledge of the criminal underworld to effectively strike Chudnofsky where it will hurt him most. Both fall in lust with Lenore, and as a result, the two have a falling out and end their friendship and partnership.

Kato later discovers that the District Attorney Scanlon (David Harbour) is working for Chudnofsky (who has renamed himself Bloodnofsky) and that the two are planning to kill Britt due to all the press the newspaper has been giving to the Green Hornet. Kato suits up and saves Britt from the assassination plot, Chudnofsky, Scanlon, and their henchmen chase the heroes to the newspaper building. A large battle ensues. Kato kills Chudnofsky by stabbing him in the eyes with two wooden stakes. They then hit Scanlon with their car (which they had driven into the newspaper building), cause him to fall out the window to his death. They then reveal their secret identities to Lenore and ask her to work with them, and she eventually agrees. The trio continue their adventures after Britt and Kato sloppily re-attach the father's head to the statue, having finally realized that he was a good man and was only pushing them to realize their potential.

Fast Five (2011)

After busting Dominic (Vin Diesel) out of jail, Brian (Paul Walker) and Mia (Jordana Brewster) hide out in Rio. They meet up Vince (Matt Schulze) who undertakes to steal three cars. The cars belong to Herman Reyes (Joaquim de Almeida) a mobster than runs Rio. Things go south and three DEA agents are killed. That gets the attention of DSS agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) who recruits Elena Neves (Elsa Pataky) to hunt them. Dominc and Brian recruit Han Lue (Sung Kang), Roman Pearce (Tyrese Gibson), Tej Parker (Ludacris), Gisele Harabo (Gal Gadot), Tego Leo (Tego Calderon) and Ricos Santos (Don Omar). The job is to steal 100 million dollars of Reyes. Before the job goes down Hobbs captures Dom, Brian and Mia. Unforatunely their ambushed by Reyes men. Dom, Brian, Mia and Elena all manage to escape.  The team pulls off the heist. Reyes gets killed by Hobbs because his men killed his agents. Hobbs gives Dom and Brian 24 hours to get out town before they he hunts them down again. Dom meets up with Brian and a pregnant Mia later near a place on the beach.
After the credits, Hobbs learn that Letty (Michelle Rodridguez) is still alive.

Bridesmaids (2011)

Short Ending:After losing her position as maid of honor at Lillian's wedding and ruining the bridal shower, Annie makes up with Lillian and regains her bridesmaid's status. After a successful wedding, Annie befriends her bridesmaid nemesis Helen and drives off into the night with her new boyfriend, Rhodes.

Longer Ending:Annie's (Kristen Wiig's) life is in a rut - her baking business has gone under, she is living with two terrible roomates, and her sex buddy is a jerk. She is then asked by Lillian (Maya Rudolph) to be her maid of honor. She meets the other bridesmaids, including the ultra-wealthy Helen (Rose Byrne) who clearly wants to be the maid of honor despite knowing Lillian for a short amount of time. Annie also befriends police officer Rhodes (Chris O'Dowd).
After several disastrous outings planned by Annie, the last of which leads to the bridal party kicked off the plane on their way to Las Vegas for the bachelorette party, Lillian demotes Annie from maid of honor status and replaces her with Helen. Annie also decides to have a one-night-stand with officer Rhodes, who she then walks out on after he encourages her to start baking again. Annie is then evicted from her apartment and has to move back home and is fired from her job. She attends the ultra-extravagant bridal shower created by Helen - who had stolen Annie's idea to make the shower French-themed. After Helen gives Lillian a gift trip to Paris, Annie has a meltdown, destroys the bridal shower, and is essentially disinvited from the wedding. On her way home, Annie gets into a car accident and when officer Rhodes shows up at the scene, they get into a relationship-ending argument.
Annie is eventually cheered up by fellow bridesmaid (and the groom's sister) Megan (Melissa McCarthy). She tries to make up with officer Rhodes but is rebuffed. The day of the wedding, Helen arrives on Annie's doorstep saying that she can't find Lillian anywhere. Annie convinces officer Rhodes to help her find Lillian, and the two women end up putting their problems aside and Annie attends the wedding as the brides maid. Helen steps aside, although she gives Lillian one more extravagent present, a live performance by Lillian's favorite band Wilson Phillips. Helen and Annie make up and seemingly become friends. As Annie leaves the wedding, she finds officer Rhodes waiting for her. The two kiss passionately, before driving off together into the night.
After the credits, we discover that Megan has taped over the wedding video with her own homemade sex video with her new boyfriend, who she had met on the plane on the way to Las Vegas.

Friday, June 10, 2011

PRIEST Spoiler

We open in a vampire hive, Mira Soral. We see a group of warriors led by a man simply named Priest (Paul Bettany). He walks with them into the cavern and stops. He listens closely and senses something. "It's a trap." he says. Suddenly, vampires burst out of every pocket of the hive. One burrows from underground and grabs a warrior and kills her. Rapid cuts show the warrior priest's panicking and trying to escape while several are kille. At the exit of the hive, one of the priests is being dragged away by the vampires. Priest tries to save him but he loses his grip. He screams in anguish.
An animated sequence explains that since the beginning of time vampires and humans have been fighting each other. Vampires have speed and superior strength. However, they were weakened by the sun which the human took advantage of. However, the war quickly reached a stalemate. The Church, wanting to end it, commissioned a sect of warriors called Priests, trained to kill vampires. They quickly cut a swath through the vampire army and those who were left were sent to guarded reservations. The Church, fearful of the weapons they trained, effectively betray them by disbanding their sect and making them rejoin society. Problem is, no one trusts them.
We cut to a house in the middle of nowhere. A farmer, Owen Pace (Stephen Moyer) looks at a reading of the soil. He goes to his wife Shannon and tells her that possibly they will be able to plant crops soon.  Their daughter Lucy Pace (Lily Collins) comes home soon after saying she was in town. Owen tells her he doesn't like her going out often as it is not safe. Lucy says she doesn't want to be a prisoner here just so he MIGHT be able to grow food. Shannon shushes them both and they begin to say grace for dinner when Owen hears something. He looks out and sees something. Vampires. He orders Shannon to get Lucy underground and grabs a stake gun. Lucy goes into a bunker under the table and Shannon tells her daughter not to scream no matter what happens. The vampires break in and begin to attack. Owen gets in a few shots before they are overrun. Lucy watches in horror her mother be killed. Her body hits the floor and is dragged away. Despite staying quiet, someone finds the bunker. A shadow looms over her and she screams.
We cut back to a city where the human race has allowed itself to be sealed in, their every decision made for them by The Church. They are constantly reminded "That an act against the Church is an act against God." Priest is walking home from his menial job as a coal shoveler. He goes to confession, which is more than an automation. He sighs at the canned advice he is given in regards to his problems (his nightmares in regards to the hive incident). He goes home.
There, he senses something and puts a knife to a man's throat. The man is Hicks (Cam Gigandet), the sheriff of an outskirts town. He's here to tell him that Lucy has been kidnapped, Owen (Priest's brother) is gravely wounded and Shannon was killed. Hicks is going after her and wanted to see if Priest wanted to join him. Hicks leaves.
Priest goes to the council of high priests and asks to be reinstated to his duties to go save his niece since it was a vampire attack. The council lead by Orleas (Christopher Plummer) denies his request saying vampires had been eradicated and they will not allow it. Chamberlain (Alan Dale) who is more sympathetic tries to get the council to change its mind as Priest has them served well but Orleas overrules him. Orleas tells Priest if he tries to leave to save Lucy, it will be considered a slight against The Church and thus God. He will be stripped of his rank and be excommunicated.
Priest goes to a bar with Chamberlain and muses that he gave up everything for The Church and they abandon him when he needed them most. Chamberlain reminds him he cannot break his vow. Priest says they left him with no choice. Chamberlain motions for armed guards and Priest realizes what his answer is. He fights the three guards and kills them. He gets on to his motorcycle and leaves to the outskirts away from the city until he gets to his brother's house. He sees it in disarray and pockets a family photo. Hicks comes in thinking he is a burglar, but realizes it is Priest. They race off to town.
In town, a Salesman (Brad Dourif) is trying to con the people for vampire protection. Hicks breaks that up quickly, running the Salesman out of town. He tells the people that they don't need to be scared of vampires. The people look at Priest warily. They don't get many visitors out here.
Priest can see his brother. Owen says he is sorry he couldn't save Shannon. She never forgot Priest (It's inferred they were in a relationship before his calling). Priest said Owen gave her a life that he could no longer could. Owen tells Priest to get Lucy and promise to "kill them all."
Priest and Hicks talk. Priest wants to go alone, but Hicks proves he is no rookie by slicing a bullet with a knife throw. Priest says they leave at dawn. He continues to carve crosses into bullets for Hick's guns.
Lucy wakes up in a cage on a moving train. A vampire is looking at her hungrily but he is thrown back by his boss Black Hat (Karl Urban).  Lucy tells him that her uncle is a Priest, and he will come after her and kill him. Black Hat says he is counting on it.
In the morning, Owen succumbs to his wounds and is buried with Shannon. Priest looks on in sadness. Priest and Hicks go back to their house and find tracks that go north towards a vampire reservation. They ride towards that.
Back in the metropolis, four former Priests are called by the The Church, including Priestess (Maggie Q) who fought with Priest. Orelas tells them Priest has broken his vow and he is to be brought back to Orleas dead or alive.
Priest and Hicks arrive at the reservation and notice their are no guards there. A vampire sees Priest and says he is not welcome. They ask if anyone came through; the vampire says no. Priest and Hicks go down a bunker and encounter a cowering vampire. Priest asks where the girl is but he will not give up any info. Hicks is nearby and sees three other vampires approach him looking for a fight. It's a trap. One throws an Ax at Hicks but he dodges it, then throws it right back at the vampire, killing him. Getting back outside, Hicks and Priest kill the other two vampires. The vampire they originally talked two tells them (under duress that is) that Lucy was taken West on a train but it won't matter. They are only going to be alive for ten more seconds.
The sun sets and the sky turns dark and the more ferocious vampires come out to kill Priest. He pulls out a book and says some words. It is just a ploy to lull his enemies into false security as he is really setting off mechanized bladed crosses which kill the vampires. With nothing more to gain there, Hicks and Priest leave.
Priest realizes that west of the reservation is a former vampire hive. Mira Soral. The place where he lost several of his comrades. Hicks and Priest head towards it. Halfway there, Priest finds out Hicks was Lucy's boyfriend and he loves her. Priest tells him if Lucy is infected, he will kill her. Hicks says that will not happen; he already failed protecting her, he will not make the same mistake twice.
Black Hat has a meeting with The Salesman on the train. The Salesman tries to talk money with Black Hat before giving up his info but Black Hat just threatens him. The Salesman says Hicks and Priest came through town looking for Lucy. Black Hat said he has down well then drains him to the brink of death, making him his slave. "There's your compensation." Black Hat snarls.
Priest and Hicks enter the hive but find it abandoned. Priest goes off alone and is confronted by Priestess. Priestess says she is here to warn him; The Church sent her and three others to capture or kill him. She sent the others to Jericho city while she came here. She's not here to stop him, she wants to help him.  They hear a gun shot. Hicks is in trouble.
Hicks sees a large beast that attempts to get at him. However, as Priest points out it is quite too large to get to him and that is the only reason he is still alive. Priest and Priestess work together and kill the vampire beast.  Priest realizes that the vampires are rebuilding their army but he doesn't know how they can travel quickly.
Hicks talks to Priestess and learns some things. The Priest sects are required to take a vow of celibacy for life. Since she was a little girl when The Church recruited her, that means she has never had sex. Meanwhile, Priest was recruited when he was Hicks' age making it more difficult. "His sacrifice was greater." Priestess says (Priest had to leave Shannon).
Hicks, Priest, Priestess find a new tunnel that leads right out to Jericho city, where she sent the other three. They realize that is where the vampires our heading.
A conductor is asleep when he hears a train roar in unannounced. He looks around for anyone, and is quickly killed. The vampires break out and proceed to slaughter the entire town, while Black Hat watches in glee. Just then the three Priest warriors show up, ready to fight. Black Hat take his hat off, and shows he has a Priest tattoo (he was the one that Priest was unable to save during the hive incident). One Priest tries to kill him but Black Hat just punches him away. The Priest looks down and notices a great wound. Black Hat just didn't punch him; he tore out his heart. He falls to the ground dead. Black Hat tells the remaining two they can either join him or die. The Priests prepare to fight.
Priest, Hicks, and Priestess arrive in town too late to save anyone. All the bodies are gone and their is nothing but blood. Priestess looks around and finds some explosives and grabs them up. They find the train tracks and realize that is how the vampires are traveling. The tracks lead back to the cities where The Church has walled everyone up. Hicks says the sun would kill them, but Priest says their is no sun there anymore. It will be a massacre.
Priest and Priestess talk. She gives him a large cross of his that she kept from the old days. She tells him that he is doing the right thing. The Church didn't give them their powers; God did. She says he is a Priest no matter what they say and touches his face. Priest says he can't (Priestess is implied to be in love with him). Priestess is crushed and says that when she heard Shannon died she prayed for her then for herself because she selfishly thought with Shannon dead, Priest would be free to love another (like her). Despite all this, the three get on their bikes and head for the train, ready to stop the vampires.
Lucy is taken to dinner with Black Hat. He exposes on that vampires have been considered to have no soul but he has seen it and it is more pure than any human. He plans to evolve the species, by force if necessary. Lucy grabs a knife from the table, something that Black Hat does not notice.
About to board the train, Hicks confronts Priest and says he will not kill Lucy. Hicks asks why does Priest care about Lucy since he is a stranger to her. Priestess reveals that Priest is Lucy's father. She was just a baby when he was called by The Church. Hicks says that's not possible for he knew Owen well. Priest says "The child needed a father. We all make sacrifices."
They speed off in their cycles. Priestess is to sprint ahead and plant the charges to blow the tracks. She is to detonate even if they are still on the train.
Hicks gets on from the very back of the train and has to wade through cocoons filled with vampires.
Priestess is chased by a gang of motorcycle bandits. She uses nitro to evade them and begins to set the charges.
Priest jumps on top of the train where Black Hat is there waiting. Black Hat reveals him as his former comrade and says that night he fed upon until the Vampire Queen showed mercy and made him a human vampire. a "daywalker". Priest can either join him or die. Priest asks where his daughter is. "Awaiting your answer." Black Hat says. Priest and Black Hat fight and despite Priest's excellent training he is no match. Black Hat punches him off the train. But Priest is able to hang on underneath.
Hicks catches up to Lucy but a vampire runs off with her.  Priest breaks through the floor and joins him to get her back.
Meanwhile, the bikers have caught up to Priestess. She uses a long sharp chain to hook on to their bikes and flip them into each other, killing them. The last man who charges her, she flips him off his bike, then dismembers him mid air, pieces of him falling all around her. However, in the fracas, the bomb was damage beyond repair. Not knowing what to do, she looks at the explosives then her bike. She forms a plan.
Hicks and Priest find Black Hat, Lucy, and the Vampire guard in the main compartment. Hicks tries to kill Black Hat but he is literally knocked out of the train. Lucy grabs a lantern and burns the vampire holding her. She goes to stab Black Hat but he stops the blade between his hands. "Quick, yes, just like your father." Black Hat says, looking at her. Lucy looks at Priest and realizes he is her father. "Oh you didn't know?" Black Hat says. He pins Priest to a wall with a blade then takes Lucy back up to the roof of the car.
Hicks gets up and sees a fallen vampire's bike. He gets on it to catch up with the train.
Priest pulls out the large cross Priestess gave him and pulls out the knife pinning him. He gets back up to the roof just as Black Hat is about to bite Lucy. The Cross actually hides a knife which Priest throws into his neck. Black Hat tries to throw Lucy off but Priest grabs her. Black Hat stomps on Priests hand trying to kill them both. However, they all see Priestess racing towards them with the explosives strapped to her bike. Priest and Lucy jump off just before the two collide. The explosions makes the train jump off the rails and engulfs Black Hat in a sea of flame.
Priest holds Lucy, his daughter, just glad she is alive. Hicks finds them and he and Lucy embrace. Priest sees Priestess in the distance. She survived the bombing run.
Priest goes back to the metropolis and confronts Orelas with a vampire head, proving they are not eradicated. Priest says their is a train wreck full of them.  Orelas calls him a charlton and continues to deny that vampires are still a force to be reckoned with. "The war is over!" Orleas screams. "No." Priest whispers to himself. "It has just begun."
Priest leaves the city again and meets up with Priestess, who has decided to stand by him in the conflict.. She has contacted the remaining Priest warriors and they will follow him as their commander. They are to meet up in City Seven. Priestess wishes him God Speed and Priest rides off, ready to face the new chapter in the vampire war.

SUPER 8 Spoiler

We open at a steel factory where a sign proclaims that they have had 784 days without an accident. A man comes up in a crane and changes it to 1.
We cut to the house of Joe Lamb (Joel Courtney). It was his mother that was killed at the factory. The mother of his friend Charles remarks on how crushed Joe seems to be with the death of his mother. She speaks her concerns on his father Jackson (Kyle Chandler); saying he never had to be a father till now. Joe sits outside on a swing set when he sees a man drive up in a yellow and black muscle car. The man, Louis Dainard (Ron Eldard) takes a swig of liquor and goes inside. Joe can hear a commotion and then his father comes out with the man in cuffs. Joe looks over in shock. His father sees this and tells him he will be back later. He puts Louis in the squad car and drives off.
School is out in Summer 1979. Joe walks with his best pals Charles, Cary, Preston and Martin. Charles is making a zombie flick to enter into the local film festival and has called upon his buddies to help him make it. Charles reveals he got Alice Dainard (Elle Fanning) to be the female lead, since they needed more thematic elements for their zombie film.  They are going to sneak out at midnight and Alice will steal her father's car for the night.
Joe goes home and finds his father crying in the bathroom. Jackson plays it off and says he will be out in a second. They go to a diner where Jackson tells him of his plan to send Joe to a baseball camp for six weeks. Jackson says they both need time to heal. Joe counters, saying he thought he was going to have the summer to himself and that he has to help Charles finish his movie.
Joe sneaks out and waits with his friends for Alice. When she gets to them, she freaks that Joe is there, since his dad is a deputy and almost bails. Joe promises not to say anything and she relents.
They drive out to a train station to shoot their scene. Martin is the detective character and Alice is his wife. Joe does some makeup for Alice and they seem to have a moment. With Charles directing it all, they practice the scene, where Alice does an actually good performance, which stuns the friends. As they begin to shoot for real, Charles notices a train coming by, and realizes they can use it as free ambiance for the scene. As they are filming as the speeding train passes, Joe looks behind them to see a truck jump onto the tracks and head straight for the train. The group realizes this just as the two collide.
The explosion causes the entire train to derail, causing massive damage. The kids go in separate directions, almost getting hit several times.  They all live despite the odds.
Joe notices in the wreckage a crate of small white cubes and pockets one.
The gang goes to the wreckage of the truck and realize the driver is Mr. Woodward, their 4th grade science teacher. In his hand is a map of the trains route. Woodward snatches it back still alive. He tells the group to stay quiet, "or they'll kill you and your family." Woodward sees the military and points a gun at the group to scare them off. They race back to the car, grabbing their camera equipment in the process. They get away but not before the Air Force soldiers, lead by Nelec (Noah Emmerich) notice the car.
The group freaks out by what they saw and Alice is clear they cannot talk about it. Joe tells her they won't say the word. Joe goes home and while taking a bath studies the cube.
The next day, Charles and Joe go to the film store to get the film developed and see about getting the camera fixed as it was damaged in the fracas. After learning it would be more cost effective to buy a new camera, Joe offers to let Charles borrow his dad's. Joe calls Alice about doing some new scenes, but Alice wants no part in any more film making. Joe says he is coming over.
Joe goes over to Alice's house to convince her but she will not budge. Her father, Louis comes up and Joe lies about inviting Alice to a party. Louis says no and goes inside, only to come out again and tells Joe he is not welcome at his house or around his daughter. Her father's cold reaction make Alice change her mind. She is back in.
The group work at Charles house. Alice is in zombie makeup and asks for pointers on how to act by Joe. Once again she acts convincingly, and moves closer to Joe. Joe gets nervous thinking she is about to kiss him, but she just pretends to gnaw on his neck.
Jackson goes down to the train wreckage and talks with Nelec, who gives little information about the cargo or why the wreck happened. Nelec assures Jackson that there was no dangerous cargo on the train.
Meanwhile, the group films on a hill near the wreckage, with Cary as a zombie and Martin shooting him with a prop gun. They watch as the military scatters around and they wonder what could be so important.
Jackson talks to the sheriff and tells him his suspicions. The Sheriff dismisses them, telling Jackson he needs to take some time off due to his wife's death.
Later that night, the sheriff stops by the local gas station and chides the attendant for wearing a Walkman. The Sheriff goes out to pump gas and several strange things happen. Many dogs run off into the night. His sirens turn on without warning. Then most disturbingly, a trash container is rocketed from the alleyway right past him. The Sheriff looks around and sees something. He screams.
The attendant, listening to his music, doesn't see or hear the Sheriff's car being destroyed. Taking off his headphones, he looks out and sees the wreckage. He goes outside but doesn't find the Sheriff. He turns around and sees something too, screaming. He tries to run back into the store, but the monster grabs him, the monster obscured by the gas station's sign.
The next morning, Jackson is called to the gas station. He realizes that the Sheriff is missing. He gets called into town and founds various incidents of missing dogs and electronic sabotage. Jackson sees the military rolling in, ready to take control of the town.
Lights start flickering in and out around town. Electricians are called over town and discover that cables are outright missing from the poles. One such electrician is in a cherry picker rig when he sees and hears some strange noises up in the trees. The power to his rig shorts out just as he sees something. He screams and he is grabbed as something destroys his truck.
The following morning, Joe and his friends decide to do some more shooting for the movie.
Jackson holds a town meeting, where angry residents believe the Russians are behind everything (being in the middle of the Cold War and all). One resident however, noticed that he hears military chatter on his ham radio. Jackson questions him on the frequencies he hears them on. Jackson goes back to the station and tells the other deputies to get the radios so they can find out what the Air Force is saying. Louis is in the police station and tells Jackson to keep Joe away from his daughter. Jackson, not knowing about them being around each other is seething. He has little time to think of that though, as one of the deputies found the right station, which the military is using. They hear a code phrase "Walking Distance." Jackson listens intrigued.
Joe and the group are shooting in front of Woodward's house for the extra background of the military convoy around them searching the place. Charles sees Jackson arriving and tries to warn Joe. Jackson tells Joe to wait in the car. Jackson goes up to Nelec demanding answers. Nelec will not give any. Jackson then says he will call DC and ask about "Walking Distance." Nelec calls out to Jackson saying he will give him answers, but not here, and not now.
Jackson takes Joe home saying he is no longer allowed to be around Alice. Her father is a no good drunk. Joe pleads with his father saying Alice is a good person, but Jackson says he has a whole town to take care of. Sad, Joe runs out into the night and heads to the cemetery to sit at his mother's grave. He looks into the distance to a nearby garage and sees and hears a loud commotion.
At a military hospital, Nelec talks to a still alive Woodward about the "cargo." Nelec says they used to disagree in the lab but that no longer matters; the creature is Nelec's and he will trap and capture it again. Woodward, probably realizing what is coming next, tells Nelec that he connected with the creature and part of him is now in it. "When it comes for you, know that I will be there watching." Woodward says. Nelec has one of his men, Overmyer, inject Woodward with a lethal substance, killing him.
The next day, Charles requests that Joe gives him a model train to be blown up via Cary's fireworks for the movie. Joe says sure. Alice comes by later and Joe shows her the train. Alice is impressed by his knowledge of models.
That night, Jackson goes to the meeting point Nelec requested. He is surrounded by soldiers and put under arrest. It was a trap by Nelec who never planned on telling him anything.
Later, Joe not realizing what happened to his father, is visited by Alice in the late night. She tells Joe that he shouldn't allow Charles to blow up his train as he shouldn't get everything he wants. Though the power is still out, Joe's camera turns on, with a 8mm film of his mother when he was a baby. Alice asks to watch it and cries. She tells Joe her father got drunk that day so that's why his mother got into her accident and died. Alice says her dad wishes it was him and sometimes she thinks the same (because he became a pitiful drunk in the process). Joe tells her not to say that.  They see the cube Joe had start to move. It then rockets out of the room, making a hole in the wall, with the apparent destination being the local water tower.
Alice goes home and her father, and Louis asks where she was. Alice tries to play it off, saying she should go to bed. Louis says she can go "like her mother." Angry, Alice runs off on her bike. Her father, drunk, chases her in his car. She doubles back just as he gets into an accident. As Louis comes to, he can see his daughter grabbed by something. By the time he gets out of the car, she is gone.
Nelec begins "Walking Distance." It's a ploy to start a large fire to get the town evacuated so he can fight and capture the creature uninhibited. The townspeople buy it and start to leave.
Charles and Joe get back the film from the fateful night and go to Charles' house. Charles is mad at Joe and he finds out why. Charles had a crush on Alice and that is why he asked her to help them. But Alice likes Joe, and what is worse is Joe likes her back. Despite this, Charles lets it go. They watch the movie and though Charles complains that most of the train footage is useless to him, they notice the creature exiting the train car. They are shocked. They hear the emergency sirens. They have to leave and are herded into a bus to the evacuation center.
At the camp, Joe finds Louis who tells him the creature took Alice and no one will believe him; they just keep medicating him to shut him up. "I'll believe you." Joe says, seeing it first hand.
Joe talks to Charles, Cary, Martin, and Preston, saying he is going back into town to find Woodward's research and save Alice. Preston elects to stay behind. Charles talks to his older sister, saying he will babysit their siblings so she can go to the party her parents won't allow her to. But she will have to flirt with the camera store guy, Donny, since he has a thing for her. She is successful and Donny drives the group into town.
Jackson meanwhile, is stuck in a detention room. Pretending to need to go to the bathroom, he knocks out a guard and steals his uniform. He sees guards near a fuel truck and shoots it to make it explode. With that diversion, he steals a truck, heading back into town.
Joe with the group tells Donny to go to the school, where he think Woodward hid his research. They find it and start to watch. They find out Woodward was in the Air Force over a decade ago as a scientist. His division found an alien who had crash landed on Earth. Woodward concluded that all it wanted was to go home, but Nelec and others kept in captivity and treated it inhumanely. The creature came to hate humans. However, it knew Woodward to be a genuine kind person as it grabbed him and made a physic connection. Woodward says via tape dictation that he will not stop trying to save the creature from captivity (that's why he derailed the train). Joe and his friends hear a noise. It is the Air Force troops with Nelec. They are put into a bus and driven back to camp. Donny sees this and is freaked out about losing a chance with Charles' sister.
On the bus, Cary thinks they will be killed for knowing too much. Charles says it isn't true, just as the bus is attacked by the creature. It topples the bus, and begins attacking the soldiers, killing Overmyer and several others. Unable to get out of their cell in the back of the bus, Joe sees a broken window and breaks the glass, helping his friends climb out. Nelec stays behind and shoots at the monster until his gun runs empty. He throws it down, faces his enemy, and is killed by the creature. The kids watch from a distance. Donny finds them and Joe tells him they need to go back into the town. He knows where to go.
They get back into town, where a stoned Donny waits in the car. They see the military are in full force in the town firing off their weapons. Problem is, they are all malfunctioning (like the power in town) and are instead destroying houses and themselves. Joe, Charles, Martin and Cary run through the destruction. They take refuge in a house only for it to be partially destroyed. Martin's leg gets broken and the group separates. Charles stays with Martin, and Joe and Cary head off.
Jackson goes back to the refuge camp and tells another deputy what is really going on. He talks to Preston who explains what is going on and shows him the 8mm of the train wreck. Jackson sees two soldiers about to take Louis and swoops in, saying he has orders to personally take the man to Nelec. Being in a higher ranking uniform (and them not knowing Nelec is dead), the two relent and give him Louis. Jackson takes him to the car saying "Let's get our kids." Driving to town, Louis tells Jackson he came into his house that day to say he was sorry, that he never intended for anyone to get hurt, especially his wife. Jackson tells him (as if to admit to himself as well) that it was an accident.
Joe and Cary go to the garage in the cemetery and break in, finding a large, cavernous hole. They rappel down using sparklers as flares. Walking a little they find the creature's command center, with all the stolen electronics and power cables. He is trying to rebuild his ship. Also, they see numerous people strung up including the Sheriff; the creature is using them for food. Joe tells Cary to make a distraction so he can grab Alice, who he sees. Cary lights the explosives just as the creature is about to take Alice. Joe slaps her awake, and they get up to see the Sheriff and another woman regain consciousness. They run out of the lair and find Cary. However, the monster grabs the woman and the Sheriff as Alice, Joe, and Cary run for their lives.
The creature catches them in a dead end part of the cavern. The group thinks they are doomed, but Joe faces the creature, telling it to go home. The creature grabs Joe to the horror of Alice. Afraid, but unwilling to back down, Joe tells the creature that bad things happen without notice but you can still go on. "You can still live." Joe tells it. The creature, sensing he is genuine and means no harm, lets him go. The three leave the cavern.
They get back into the center of town where suddenly, all metal and electronics are grabbed from where they stand. Cars, TVs, the guns of soldiers. All taken and slammed into the water tower along with the numerous white cubes. Joe realizes the creature is rebuilding his ship to leave.
Jackson and Louis return to town and find their kids. They tearfully embrace them.
Just as the ship is about to blast off, it looks for a few more pieces of metal. It finds Joe's locket (his mother's that he has carried around the whole movie) but he holds on to it. It contains a picture of him and his mother when he was a baby. He holds on for a moment then decides to let go (symbolizing his attempt to find peace after her death). The locket attaches to the ship, and the ship blasts off to space, leaving the soldiers, Joe, Cary, Alice, Louis, Jackson, Charles, and Martin stare in awe.
Joe and Alice clasp hands and smile at each other as they watch the creature's ship race off to return home.
NOTE: During the credits we see the zombie movie they were making throughout the film.